PLF Faculty
Cindy Kohlmann, Dean of PLF Faculty, New Castle Presbytery
SanDawna Ashley, Synod of the Northeast
Gavin Meek, New Harmony Presbytery
Craig Howard, Chicago Presbytery
Daris Bultena, Tropical Florida Presbytery
Wendy Tajima, San Gabriel Presbytery
Dee Cooper, Denver Presbytery
Sheldon Sorge, PLF Coordinator
Tricia Dykers-Koenig, OGA
Corey Schlosser-Hall, PMA

Description of PLF
Whatever the title — executive, general or lead presbyter — support and encouragement as one enters these kinds of roles can make a huge difference to the leaders and those whom they serve.
The Presbytery Leader Formation (PLF) Program is a three-year opportunity designed to provide education, nurture and collegiality during this key time.
Annual Residency
The Annual Residency consists of an annual one-week residency for the three years following the new leader’s call. This aspect of the program is only for the primary programmatic Presbytery Leader (or co-leaders) in a Presbytery. Faculty for the 2024 Residency: Tricia Dykers-Koenig (Associate for Mid-Council Relations), Sheldon Sorge (Program Coordinator), Corey Schlosser-Hall (Presbyterian Mission Agency), Cindy Kohlmann (New Castle), SanDawna Ashley (Synod of the Northeast), Wendy Tajima (San Gabriel), Dee Cooper (Denver) and Gavin Meek (New Harmony). Future residencies will be at Archbishop Brunett Center at the Palisades between Seattle and Tacoma WA, May 4-9, 2025, and at the Bon Secours Retreat and Conference Center in Hyattsville MD, May 3-8, 2026."

An important component to the program is the inclusion of a personal coach. Coaching is very different from the role of the ninety-day companion or from that of a consultant. A coach is not an “answer giver,” but rather an individual who is invested in the success of the new leader. Our coaches have been especially trained to assist new presbytery leaders in meeting personal and professional goals. Each participant in PLF is assigned a program-approved coach. PLF coaches have been certified by the International Coaching Federation.
It is expected that the new leader will have a monthly call with the coach. Each participant will have a total of 36 coaching hours available during the first 39 months following the first coaching session.